from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
from dateutil import parser
from onc.modules._OncArchive import _OncArchive
from onc.modules._OncDelivery import _OncDelivery
from onc.modules._OncDiscovery import _OncDiscovery
from onc.modules._OncRealTime import _OncRealTime
class ONC:
A wrapper class for Oceans 3.0 API requests.
All the client library's functionality is provided as methods of this class.
token : str
The ONC API token, which could be retrieved at once logged in.
production : boolean, default True
Whether the ONC Production server URL is used for service requests.
- True: Use the production server.
- False: Use the internal ONC test server (reserved for ONC staff IP addresses).
showInfo : boolean, default False
Whether verbose script messages are displayed, such as request url and processing time information.
- True: Print all information and debug messages (intended for debugging).
- False: Only print information messages.
outPath : str | Path, default "output"
The directory that files are saved to (relative to the current directory) when downloading files.
The directory will be created if it does not exist during the download.
timeout : int, default 60
Number of seconds before a request to the API is canceled due to a timeout.
>>> from onc import ONC
>>> onc = ONC("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE") # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc = ONC("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE", showInfo=True, outPath="onc-files") # doctest: +SKIP
""" # noqa: E501
def __init__(
production: bool = True,
showInfo: bool = False,
outPath: str | Path = "output",
timeout: int = 60,
self.token = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]+", "", token)
self.showInfo = showInfo
self.timeout = timeout
self.production = production
self.outPath = outPath
# Create service objects
self.discovery = _OncDiscovery(self) = _OncDelivery(self)
self.realTime = _OncRealTime(self)
self.archive = _OncArchive(self)
def outPath(self) -> Path:
Return the resolved directory path that files are saved to.
The setter method can take either `str` or `Path` as the parameter.
return self._out_path
def outPath(self, outPath: str | Path) -> None:
self._out_path = Path(outPath).resolve()
def production(self) -> bool:
Return whether the test is against the Production environment or not.
return self._production
def production(self, is_production: bool) -> None:
self._production = is_production
if is_production:
self.baseUrl = ""
self.baseUrl = ""
def print(self, obj, filename: str = "") -> None:
Pretty print a collection to the console or a file.
Mainly used to print the results returned by other class methods.
obj: Any
Any collection, including scalar values, dictionaries and lists (i.e. those returned by other class methods)
filename : str, default ""
The filename that is used when saving the json file. It is relative to ``self._out_path``.
The ``.json`` extension could be omitted.
- if not empty, save the output to the file.
- if empty, print the output to the console.
>>> result = onc.getLocations() # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.print(result) # doctest: +SKIP
""" # noqa: E501
text = json.dumps(obj, indent=4)
if filename == "":
filePath = self._out_path / filename
filePath = filePath.with_suffix(".json")
with open(filePath, "w+") as file:
# Discovery methods
def getLocations(self, filters: dict | None = None):
Return locations.
The API endpoint is ``/locations``.
Return a list of location names and location codes.
for usage and available query string parameters.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. Return all locations available if None.
Supported parameters are:
- locationCode
- deviceCategoryCode
- propertyCode
- dataProductCode
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- locationName
- deviceCode
- includeChildren
list of dict
API response. Each location returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- deployments: int
- locationName: str
- depth: float
- bbox: dict
- bbox.maxDepth: float
- bbox.maxLat: float
- bbox.maxLon: float
- bbox.minDepth: float
- bbox.minLat: float
- bbox.minLon: float
- description: str
- hasDeviceData: bool
- lon: float
- locationCode: str
- hasPropertyData: bool
- lat: float
- dataSearchURL: str
Check for more information.
>>> params = {
... "locationCode": "FGPD",
... "dateFrom": "2005-09-17T00:00:00.000Z",
... "dateTo": "2020-09-17T13:00:00.000Z",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getLocations(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"deployments": 46,
"locationName": "Folger Deep",
"depth": 96.569761,
"bbox": {
"maxDepth": 105.0,
"maxLat": 48.814029,
"maxLon": -125.274604,
"minDepth": 94.0,
"minLat": 48.813667,
"minLon": -125.28195,
"description": " Folger Deep is a deep location in Folger Passage near a pillar-like seamount, where productivity and marine mammals are observed.",
"hasDeviceData": True,
"lon": -125.280572,
"locationCode": "FGPD",
"hasPropertyData": False,
"lat": 48.813795,
"dataSearchURL": "",
""" # noqa: E501
return self.discovery.getLocations(filters)
def getLocationsTree(self, filters: dict | None = None):
Return a location tree.
The API endpoint is ``/locations/tree``.
Return a hierarchical representation of the ONC Search Tree Nodes.
The Search Tree is used in Oceans 3.0 to organize instruments and variables by location
so that users can easily drill down by place name or mobile platform name
to find the instruments or properties they are interested in.
for usage and available query string parameters.
The function ``getLocationHierarchy`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. Return a tree of all available locations if None.
Supported parameters are:
- locationCode
- deviceCategoryCode
- propertyCode
- dataProductCode
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- locationName
- deviceCode
list of dict
API response. Each location returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- locationName: str
- children: list of dict | None
- description: string
- hasDeviceData: bool
- locationCode: str
- hasPropertyData: bool
Check for more information.
>>> params = {
... "locationCode": "BACCC",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getLocationsTree(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"locationName": "Coral Cliff",
"children": [
"locationName": "ADCP 2 MHz East",
"children": None,
"description": "",
"hasDeviceData": True,
"locationCode": "BACCC.A1",
"hasPropertyData": False,
"locationName": "ADCP 2 MHz West",
"children": None,
"description": "",
"hasDeviceData": True,
"locationCode": "BACCC.A2",
"hasPropertyData": False,
"description": " The Coral Cliffs are located within Barkley Canyon. At this location, boundary layer flow near steep bathymetry, interaction of currents, and deep-sea corals are observed.",
"hasDeviceData": False,
"locationCode": "BACCC",
"hasPropertyData": True,
""" # noqa: E501
return self.discovery.getLocationHierarchy(filters)
getLocationHierarchy = getLocationsTree
def getDeployments(self, filters: dict | None = None):
Return a list of device deployments.
The API endpoint is ``/deployments``.
Return all deployments defined in Oceans 3.0 which meet the filter criteria,
where a deployment is the installation of a device at a location.
The deployments service assists in knowing when and where specific types of data are available.
The primary purpose for the deployments service is to find the dates and locations of deployments
and use the dateFrom and dateTo datetimes when requesting a data product using the ``dataProductDelivery`` web service.
for usage and available filters.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. Return all device deployment if None.
Supported parameters are:
- locationCode
- deviceCategoryCode
- deviceCode
- propertyCode
- dateFrom
- dateTo
list of dict
API response. Each deployment returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- begin: str
- citation: dict
- depth: float
- deviceCategoryCode: str
- deviceCode: str
- end: str | None
- hasDeviceData: bool
- heading: float | None
- lat: float
- locationCode: str
- lon: float
- pitch: float | None
- roll: float | None
Check for more information.
>>> params = {
... "locationCode": "BACAX",
... "deviceCategoryCode": "CTD",
... "dateFrom": "2015-09-17",
... "dateTo": "2015-09-17T13:00:00.000Z",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getDeployments(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"begin": "2014-05-09T15:50:42.000Z",
"citation": {
"citation": "Ocean Networks Canada Society. 2015. Barkley Canyon Axis Conductivity Temperature Depth Deployed 2014-05-09. Ocean Networks Canada Society.",
"doi": "10.80242/14d156f2-0146-40e5-a77e-f3637fb6b517",
"landingPageUrl": "",
"queryPid": None,
"depth": 982.0,
"deviceCategoryCode": "CTD",
"deviceCode": "SBECTD16p6002",
"end": "2015-09-17T12:59:52.000Z",
"hasDeviceData": True,
"heading": None,
"lat": 48.316583,
"locationCode": "BACAX",
"lon": -126.050796,
"pitch": None,
"roll": None,
""" # noqa: E501
return self.discovery.getDeployments(filters)
def getDevices(self, filters: dict | None = None):
Return a list of devices.
The API endpoint is ``/devices``.
Return all the devices defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a set of filter criteria.
Devices are instruments that have one or more sensors that observe a property or phenomenon
with a goal of producing an estimate of the value of a property.
Devices are uniquely identified by a device code and can be deployed at multiple locations during their lifespan.
The primary purpose of the devices service is to find devices that have the data you are interested in
and use the deviceCode when requesting a data product using the ``dataProductDelivery`` web service.
for usage and available filters.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. Return all devices available if None.
Supported parameters are:
- locationCode
- deviceCategoryCode
- deviceCode
- propertyCode
- dateFrom
- dateTo
list of dict
API response. Each device returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- cvTerm: dict
- cvTerm.device: list of dict
- cvTerm.device[].uri: str
- cvTerm.device[].vocabulary: str
- dataRating: list of dict
- dataRating[].dateFrom: str
- dataRating[].dateTo: str | None
- dataRating[].samplePeriod: float
- dataRating[].sampleSize: int
- deviceCategoryCode: str
- deviceCode: str
- deviceId: int
- deviceLink: str
- deviceName: str
- hasDeviceData: bool
Check for more information.
>>> params = {
... "deviceCode": "BPR-Folger-59",
... "dateFrom": "2005-09-17T00:00:00.000Z",
... "dateTo": "2020-09-17T13:00:00.000Z",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getDevices(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"cvTerm": {
"device": [
"uri": "",
"vocabulary": "SeaVoX Device Catalogue",
"dataRating": [
"dateFrom": "2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"dateTo": None,
"samplePeriod": 1.0,
"sampleSize": 1,
"deviceCategoryCode": "BPR",
"deviceCode": "BPR-Folger-59",
"deviceId": 21503,
"deviceLink": "",
"deviceName": "NRCan Bottom Pressure Recorder 59",
"hasDeviceData": True,
""" # noqa: E501
return self.discovery.getDevices(filters)
def getDeviceCategories(self, filters: dict | None = None):
Return a list of device categories
The API endpoint is ``/deviceCategories``.
Return all device categories defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a filter criteria.
A Device Category represents an instrument type classification such as
CTD (Conductivity, Temperature & Depth Instrument) or BPR (Bottom Pressure Recorder).
Devices from a category can record data for one or more properties (variables).
The primary purpose of this service is to find device categories that have the data you want to access;
the service provides the deviceCategoryCode you can use
when requesting a data product via the ``dataProductDelivery`` web service.
for usage and available filters.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. Return all device categories available if None.
Supported parameters are:
- deviceCategoryCode
- deviceCategoryName
- description
- locationCode
- propertyCode
list of dict
API response. Each device category returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- cvTerm: dict
- cvTerm.deviceCategory: list of dict
- cvTerm.deviceCategory[].uri: str
- cvTerm.deviceCategory[].vocabulary: str
- description: str
- deviceCategoryCode: str
- deviceCategoryName: str
- hasDeviceData: bool
- longDescription: str
Check for more information.
>>> params = {
... "deviceCategoryCode": "CTD",
... "deviceCategoryName": "Conductivity",
... "description": "Temperature",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getDeviceCategories(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"cvTerm": {
"deviceCategory": [
"uri": "",
"vocabulary": "SeaDataNet device categories",
"description": "Conductivity Temperature (and Depth Sensor)",
"deviceCategoryCode": "CTD",
"deviceCategoryName": "Conductivity Temperature Depth",
"hasDeviceData": True,
"longDescription": " Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) is an instrument package that contains sensors for measuring the conductivity, temperature, and pressure of seawater. Salinity, sound velocity, depth and density are variables that can be derived from sensor measurements. CTDs can carry additional instruments and sensors such as oxygen sensors, turbidity sensors and fluorometers.",
""" # noqa: E501
return self.discovery.getDeviceCategories(filters)
def getProperties(self, filters: dict | None = None):
Return a list of properties.
The API endpoint is ``/properties``.
Return all properties defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a filter criteria.
Properties are observable phenomena (aka, variables) and are the common names given to sensor types
(i.e., oxygen, pressure, temperature, etc).
The primary purpose of this service is to find the available properties of the data you want to access;
the service provides the propertyCode that you can use to request a data product via the ``dataProductDelivery`` web service.
for usage and available filters.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. Return all properties available if None.
Supported parameters are:
- propertyCode
- propertyName
- description
- locationCode
- deviceCategoryCode
- deviceCode
list of dict
API response. Each property returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- cvTerm: dict
- list of dict
-[].uri: str
-[].vocabulary: str
- cvTerm.uom: list of dict
- cvTerm.uom[].uri: str
- cvTerm.uom[].vocabulary: str
- description: str
- hasDeviceData: bool
- hasPropertyData: bool
- propertyCode: str
- propertyName: str
- uom: str
Check for more information.
>>> params = {
... "propertyCode": "conductivity",
... "locationCode": "BACAX",
... "deviceCategoryCode": "CTD",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getProperties(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"cvTerm": {
"property": [],
"uom": [
"uri": "",
"vocabulary": "BODC data storage units",
"description": "Conductivity: siemens per metre",
"hasDeviceData": True,
"hasPropertyData": True,
"propertyCode": "conductivity",
"propertyName": "Conductivity",
"uom": "S/m",
""" # noqa: E501
return self.discovery.getProperties(filters)
def getDataProducts(self, filters: dict | None = None):
Return a list of data products.
The API endpoint is ``/dataProducts``.
Return all data products defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a filter criteria.
Data Products are downloadable representations of ONC observational data,
provided in formats that can be easily ingested by analytical or visualization software.
The primary purpose of this service is to identify which data products and formats (file extensions)
are available for the locations, devices, device categories or properties of interest.
Use the `dataProductCode` and `extension` when requesting a data product via the ``dataProductDelivery`` web service.
for usage and available filters.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. Return all data products available if None.
Supported parameters are:
- dataProductCode
- extension
- dataProductName
- propertyCode
- locationCode
- deviceCategoryCode
- deviceCode
list of dict
API response. Each data product returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- dataProductCode: str
- dataProductName: str
- dataProductOptions: list of dict
- dataProductOptions[].allowableRange: list of dict | None
- dataProductOptions[].allowableRange.lowerBound: str
- dataProductOptions[].allowableRange.onlyIntegers: bool
- dataProductOptions[].allowableRange.unitOfMeasure: str | None
- dataProductOptions[].allowableRange.upperBound: str
- dataProductOptions[].allowableValues: list of str
- dataProductOptions[].defaultValues: str
- dataProductOptions[].documentation: list of str
- dataProductOptions[].option: str
- dataProductOptions[].suboptions: list of dict | None
- extension: str
- hasDeviceData: bool
- hasPropertyData: bool
- helpDocument: str
Check for more information.
>>> params = {
... "dataProductCode": "SHV",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getDataProducts(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"dataProductCode": "SHV",
"dataProductName": "Spectrogram For Hydrophone Viewer",
"dataProductOptions": [
"allowableRange": {
"lowerBound": "-160.0",
"onlyIntegers": False,
"unitOfMeasure": None,
"upperBound": "140.0",
"allowableValues": ["-1000"],
"defaultValue": "-1000",
"documentation": [
"option": "dpo_lowerColourLimit",
"suboptions": None,
"allowableRange": None,
"allowableValues": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],
"defaultValue": "0",
"documentation": [
"option": "dpo_spectrogramColourPalette",
"suboptions": None,
"allowableRange": {
"lowerBound": "-160.0",
"onlyIntegers": False,
"unitOfMeasure": None,
"upperBound": "140.0",
"allowableValues": ["-1000"],
"defaultValue": "-1000",
"documentation": [
"option": "dpo_upperColourLimit",
"suboptions": None,
"extension": "png",
"hasDeviceData": True,
"hasPropertyData": False,
"helpDocument": "",
""" # noqa: E501
return self.discovery.getDataProducts(filters)
# Delivery methods
def orderDataProduct(
filters: dict,
maxRetries: int = 0,
downloadResultsOnly: bool = False,
includeMetadataFile: bool = True,
overwrite: bool = False,
filters, maxRetries, downloadResultsOnly, includeMetadataFile, overwrite
def requestDataProduct(self, filters: dict):
def checkDataProduct(self, dpRequestId: int):
Check status of a requested data product.
The API endpoint is ``/dataProductDelivery/status``.
for usage.
dpRequestId : int
A dpRequestId returned from calling ``requestDataProduct``.
API response.
def runDataProduct(self, dpRequestId: int, waitComplete: bool = True):
return, waitComplete)
def cancelDataProduct(self, dpRequestId: int):
Cancel a running data product.
The API endpoint is ``/dataProductDelivery/cancel``.
for usage.
dpRequestId : int
A dpRequestId returned from calling ``requestDataProduct``.
list of dict
API response. Each status returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- dpRunId: int
- status: str
""" # noqa: E501
def restartDataProduct(self, dpRequestId: int, waitComplete: bool = True):
Restart a cancelled data product.
The API endpoint is ``/dataProductDelivery/restart``.
Restart searches cancelled by calling the ``cancelDataProduct`` method.
for usage.
dpRequestId : int
A dpRequestId returned from calling ``requestDataProduct``.
list of dict
API response. Each status returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- dpRunId: int
- status: str
""" # noqa: E501
return, waitComplete)
def downloadDataProduct(
runId: int,
maxRetries: int = 0,
downloadResultsOnly: bool = False,
includeMetadataFile: bool = True,
overwrite: bool = False,
runId, maxRetries, downloadResultsOnly, includeMetadataFile, overwrite
# Real-time methods
def getScalardataByLocation(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return scalar data in JSON format by given location code and device category code.
The API endpoint is ``/scalardata/location``.
for usage.
The function ``getDirectByLocation`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
Supported parameters are:
- locationCode (**required**)
- deviceCategoryCode (**required**)
- propertyCode
- sensorCategoryCodes
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- metadata
- rowLimit
- outputFormat
- returnOptions
- getLatest
- qualityControl
- resampleType
- resamplePeriod
- fillGaps
- sensorsToInclude
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.realTime.getScalardataByLocation(filters, allPages)
getDirectByLocation = getScalardataByLocation
def getScalardataByDevice(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return scalar data in JSON format by given device code.
The API endpoint is ``/scalardata/device``.
for usage.
The function ``getDirectByDevice`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
Supported parameters are:
- deviceCode (**required**)
- sensorCategoryCodes
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- rowLimit
- outputFormat
- returnOptions
- getLatest
- qualityControl
- resampleType
- resamplePeriod
- fillGaps
- sensorsToInclude
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.realTime.getScalardataByDevice(filters, allPages)
getDirectByDevice = getScalardataByDevice
def getScalardata(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return scalar data in JSON format by given query parameters.
A helper method for getting scalar data. Whether it is by device or by location is inferred
from the keys in the given query parameters.
- ByDevice requires deviceCode.
- ByLocation requires locationCode and deviceCategoryCode.
- Raise ``ValueError`` if they both exist.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. See ``getScalardataByLocation`` and ``getScalardataByDevice``
for more information.
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.realTime.getScalardata(filters, allPages)
def getRawdataByLocation(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return the raw data at a given location for the given device category.
A date range is optional. When not specified, data from all time will be returned
within (possibly default) row and size limits.
The API endpoint is ``/rawdata/location``.
for usage.
The function ``getDirectRawByLocation`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
Supported parameters are:
- locationCode (**required**)
- deviceCategoryCode (**required**)
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- rowLimit
- sizeLimit
- convertHexToDecimal
- outputFormat
- getLatest
- skipErrors
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.realTime.getRawdataByLocation(filters, allPages)
getDirectRawByLocation = getRawdataByLocation
def getRawdataByDevice(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return the raw data for a given device.
A date range is optional. When not specified, data from all time will be returned
within (possibly default) row and size limits.
The API endpoint is ``/rawdata/device``.
for usage.
The function ``getDirectRawByDevice`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
Supported parameters are:
- deviceCode (**required**)
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- rowLimit
- sizeLimit
- convertHexToDecimal
- outputFormat
- getLatest
- skipErrors
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.realTime.getRawdataByDevice(filters, allPages)
getDirectRawByDevice = getRawdataByDevice
def getRawdata(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return the raw data by given query parameters.
A helper method for getting the raw data. Whether it is by device or by location is inferred
from the keys in the given query parameters.
- ByDevice requires deviceCode.
- ByLocation requires locationCode and deviceCategoryCode.
- Raise ``ValueError`` if they both exist.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request. See ``getRawdataByLocation`` and ``getRawdataByDevice``
for more information.
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.realTime.getRawdata(filters, allPages)
def getSensorCategoryCodes(self, filters: dict):
Return a list of sensor category codes.
A helper method for narrowing down the sensorCategoryCodes that are of interest
prior to the use of the scalardata service.
filters : dict
Query string parameters in the API request.
Use the same filters for calling ``getScalardata``.
list of dict
API response. Each sensor category code returned in the list is a dict with the following structure.
- outputFormat: str
- propertyCode: str
- sensorCategoryCode: str
- sensorCode: str
- sensorName: str
- unitOfMeasure: str
>>> params = {
... "locationCode": "NCBC",
... "deviceCategoryCode": "BPR",
... "propertyCode": "seawatertemperature,totalpressure",
... } # doctest: +SKIP
>>> onc.getSensorCategoryCodes(params) # doctest: +SKIP
"outputFormat": "array",
"propertyCode": "totalpressure",
"sensorCategoryCode": "pressure",
"sensorCode": "Pressure",
"sensorName": "Seafloor Pressure",
"unitOfMeasure": "decibar",
"outputFormat": "array",
"propertyCode": "seawatertemperature",
"sensorCategoryCode": "temperature",
"sensorCode": "Temperature",
"sensorName": "Housing Temperature",
"unitOfMeasure": "C",
"outputFormat": "array",
"propertyCode": "seawatertemperature",
"sensorCategoryCode": "temperature1",
"sensorCode": "temperature1",
"sensorName": "Temperature",
"unitOfMeasure": "C",
"outputFormat": "array",
"propertyCode": "seawatertemperature",
"sensorCategoryCode": "temperature2",
"sensorCode": "temperature2",
"sensorName": "P-Sensor Temperature",
"unitOfMeasure": "C",
""" # noqa: E501
return self.realTime.getSensorCategoryCodes(filters)
# Archive file methods
def getArchivefileByLocation(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return a list of files available in Oceans 3.0 Archiving System
for a given location code and device category code.
The API endpoint is ``/archivefile/location``.
for usage.
The function ``getListByLocation`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
Supported parameters are:
- locationCode (**required**)
- deviceCategoryCode (**required**)
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- dateArchivedFrom
- dateArchivedTo
- fileExtension
- dataProductCode
- returnOptions
- rowLimit
- page
- getLatest
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.archive.getArchivefileByLocation(filters, allPages)
getListByLocation = getArchivefileByLocation
def getArchivefileByDevice(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return a list of files available in Oceans 3.0 Archiving System
for a given device code.
The API endpoint is ``/archivefile/device``.
for usage.
The function ``getListByDevice`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
Supported parameters are:
- deviceCode (**required**)
- dateFrom
- dateTo
- dateArchivedFrom
- dateArchivedTo
- fileExtension
- dataProductCode
- returnOptions
- rowLimit
- page
- getLatest
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.archive.getArchivefileByDevice(filters, allPages)
getListByDevice = getArchivefileByDevice
def getArchivefile(self, filters: dict = None, allPages: bool = False):
Return a list of files available in Oceans 3.0 Archiving System by given query parameters.
A helper method for getting a list of archive files. Whether it is by device or by location is inferred
from the keys in the given query parameters.
- ByDevice requires deviceCode.
- ByLocation requires locationCode and deviceCategoryCode.
- Raise ``ValueError`` if they both exist.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
See ``getArchivefileByLocation`` and ``getArchivefileByDevice`` for more information.
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
API response.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.archive.getArchivefile(filters, allPages)
def downloadArchivefile(self, filename: str = "", overwrite: bool = False):
Download a file from Oceans 3.0 Archiving System by specifying the file name.
The file will be downloaded without any compression.
Many files in the archive are compressed for storage,
uncompressing these files takes time on the server and increases data volume to transfer.
The API endpoint is ``/archivefile/download``.
for usage.
The function ``getFile`` is an alias for this function.
filename : str, default ""
A valid name of a file in DMAS Archiving System.
overwrite : bool, default False
Whether to overwrite the file if it exists.
dict | None
dict showing the error message if the filename is invalid.
None if the download is successful.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.archive.downloadArchivefile(filename, overwrite)
getFile = downloadArchivefile
def downloadDirectArchivefile(
self, filters: dict = None, overwrite: bool = False, allPages: bool = False
Download files from Oceans 3.0 Archiving System by given query parameters.
A helper method to combine ``getArchivefile`` and ``downloadArchivefile``.
Internally it calls ``getArchivefile`` to get a list of archive files,
and ``downloadArchivefile`` to download all files.
The function ``getDirectFiles`` is an alias for this function.
filters : dict, optional
Query string parameters in the API request.
See ``getArchivefileByLocation`` and ``getArchivefileByDevice`` for more information.
overwrite : bool, default False
Whether to overwrite the file if it exists.
allPages : bool, default False
Whether the response concatenates data on all pages if there are more than one page due to rowLimit.
A dict showing download results.
""" # noqa: E501
return self.archive.downloadDirectArchivefile(filters, overwrite, allPages)
getDirectFiles = downloadDirectArchivefile