Discover Devices

# Get the token from your Oceans 3.0 profile page
from onc import ONC



Get all available devices


Get the device information for a specific device code

Return the device with the deviceCodeNORTEKAQDPRO8398”.

params = {
    "deviceCode": "NORTEKAQDPRO8398",

Get all devices which have a certain word in the device name

Return all devices with “jasco” in the name.

params = {
    "deviceName": "jasco",

Get all devices that have been deployed at a specific location

Return all devices that have been deployed at the location with the locationCodeBACAX”.

params = {
    "locationCode": "BACAX",

Get all devices from a specific device category

Return all devices with the deviceCategoryCodeADCP2MHZ”.

params = {
    "deviceCategoryCode": "ADCP2MHZ",

Get all devices with a specific property code

Return all devices that measures the propertyCode “oxygen”.

params = {
    "propertyCode": "oxygen",

Get all devices with a specific device category and a specific property code

Return all devices that has the device category “CTD” and property “pressure”.

params = {
    "deviceCategoryCode": "CTD",
    "propertyCode": "pressure",

Get all devices that support a specific data product code

Return all devices that support the dataProductCode “IBPP” (“Ice Buoy Profile Plots”).

params = {
    "dataProductCode": "IBPP",

Get all devices deployed between two dates

Return all devices deployed between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011. Check here for additional information about the supported dates/times format.

params = {
    "dateFrom": "2010-07-01",
    "dateTo": "2011-06-30T23:59:59.999Z",

Get all devices deployed at a specific location, between two dates

Return all devices deployed between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011, at the location with the locationCodeBACAX” (” Barkely Canyon Axis (POD1)”).

params = {
    "locationCode": "BACAX",
    "dateFrom": "2010-07-01",
    "dateTo": "2011-06-30T23:59:59.999Z",

Get all devices deployed at a specific location, between two dates, with a sensor of a specific property code

Return all devices deployed between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011, at the location with the locationCodeBACAX” (” Barkely Canyon Axis (POD1)”), with the propertyCodeseawatertemperature”.

params = {
    "locationCode": "BACAX",
    "propertyCode": "seawatertemperature",
    "dateFrom": "2010-07-01",
    "dateTo": "2011-06-30T23:59:59.999Z",